Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Giveaway Winner & Progress Update

I let the randomizer do its thing and pick a winner for the giveaway. And the name that came out on top was:

1. Jason
2. Chris
3. Lisa
4. Nikyta
5. Dinnakay
6. Brandi
7. Judi
8. Lily

Congrats to Jason, who has won a copy of the Japenese version of Bound to Him/Bound by Deception! Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway. :)

In writing progress news, I got a lot done on Thief over the weekend. I only have two half-chapters left to go (yes, I skip around sometimes when I write). I hope to finish the book before the weekend, so I can be lazy over the weekend, recharge the muse's batteries, then start Fortune Hunter next week.


  1. Congrats, Jase!!

    Sounds like you are on a writing roll - I'm glad you're not getting heatstroke in your garage cubby! ;)

  2. Way to go, Jason!

    And way to go, Ava, too.

