It's an absolutely beautiful day here - 80 degrees and sunny. Another bonus feature of my 'office' (besides the fact it's very peaceful and quiet) is that I can open the garage door on days like today. So nice to be able to sit and write with a lovely breeze.
Writing-wise it hasn't been terribly productive. It's only Sunday afternoon, so there's still hope I can make some nice progress before the weekend is officially over. I got bit by Devon's plot bunnies yesterday afternoon as I was cleaning the house, so I spent a couple hours typing up notes for a possible new book idea. Then Eyre had to go and review Duty and Devotion by Tere Michaels, which got me thinking about how the book was sitting on my hard drive....and I ended up reading it last night. So productive weekend as far as cleaning and reading goes, not so much yet on the writing front.
Congrats goes out to Shawn Lane on the release of Only His Heart, the third book in her Only

What else is new? Romance in the Backseat has a new m/m review site going live on Monday - Naughty Boys in the Backseat. Terry Kate, who runs the sites, is super nice and she's looking for guest bloggers for the new blog. Any topic. So if any m/m authors out there are interested, give her a holler. She's on FB and GR as Terry Kate or you can drop me a line and I'll get you in touch with her.
Josh Lanyon had an awesome post on the Loose Ends blog this past week on how writing doesn't come easy. For me, it gets harder with every book I write. When I was a newbie, unpubbed author, ignorance really was bliss. I 'like' but don't love books as I'm writing them. I love the ideas when I'm fleshing them out, but when I start to actually write a book, that love turns to like. And with every new book I work on, I wonder if it will be as good as my other books. Okay, not 'wonder'...I worry. So it was great to read Josh's post and see I'm not the only author who struggles with writing sometimes.
Oh, and I just had to share this pic. I went into the kidlet's playroom today and she had her barbies out. I can only surmise that since it's so warm and sunny today, she decided it was too warm for the Princes to wear pants. I will say, the outfits kind of match - pink/purple and Prince Phillip's shorts have the same blue as his tunic (kidlet found the tunic from his original outfit, but the leggings and boots are still MIA). Personally, I think the Prince is rockin' the tutu ;)

Thanks for the heads up on the new Naughty Boys site!
ReplyDeleteLOL at the Prince! He does have lovely legs.
Man, kidlet has the best taste in couple's wear...
ReplyDelete'kay, got to say, that angst you're feeling? You're not alone. "Will it be as good as the other books? Will it be better? I want it to be better? What if I foul it up trying to make it better? What if I lose my edge thinking that the last one was good enough? What if I SUCK, I've always SUCKED and no one on the planet was good enough to tell me that I'm the queen of suckage, and the rest of this is just embarrassment?"
I live these thoughts--as I'm sure you do. I think it's part of the blood and the glory, you know?
But thanks for the princes--they're seven buckets of awesome:-)
Hey Chris - The Prince does have lovely legs, and I'm sure Phillip thinks so, too ;)
ReplyDeleteHi Amy! - oh yeah, you totally hit the nail on the head with the suckage worries. I'm really hoping it's just part of the blood and glory. LOL.
Re: the Princes - you're welcome :D I must say, the kidlet is SO her mother's daughter. I would have put the Prince in the tutu, too.
Love the mancandy at the top and the Princes! He looks fabulous in the tutu.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I got you all distracted from writing. ;) I hope you enjoyed D&D.
I know that whatever your working on will be wonderful. I'd tell you not to stress over it, but I'm sure you just can't help doing it. It's part of the creative process.
Lovely shot of the boys but I think I see the princes naughty bits under that tutu
ReplyDeleteHey Eyre - yes, I definitely enjoyed D&D, though I did want to smack Evan more than once. Good thing he eventually came to his senses, and he was really lucky Matt was such an awesome, patient guy.
ReplyDeleteHi Shawn - obviously the Prince isn't very modest. The tutu doesn't even fully fit him - he's flashing his left cheek as well. LOL
I love the kidlet's sense of style. Phillip and The Prince look fab!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the info on the new site and don't worry, your books are made of awesome. :)
Thanks, Lily :)
ReplyDeleteWhat cracks me up is that the kidlet has an entire bin of barbie clothes. She searched through it and decided on those 2 outfits. Can totally see her finding the tutu and thinking 'oh, this will go well on the Prince'. LMAO
LOL, great pic of the princes. Very fashionable.
ReplyDeleteAs for writing...I'm still a newbie and even now my love of whatever I'm writing eventually turns to like. I'm like you in that I love plotting and building my characters, but the actual writing of the story can get frustrating especially when I'm struggling for time to do it.
I haven't read or written anything of note in weeks now since moving anyway :(
LOL, I did see your "office" pic!! Great stuff. It's better than what I have which is the loveseat while my hubby watches the game in the background...sigh.
Hope you're enjoying the nicer weather, and congrats to Shawn on the new release.
Happy lovely weather day!! :) My daughters dress my Z doll in dresses only. My BDB skit must have moved them hehe.
ReplyDeleteHey Barbara!!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I snapped that pic when I did. The Princes ended up going skinny dipping in the kid pool yesterday afternoon and yes, they and about 10 barbies are still naked on the back porch. lol
Moving sucks up so much time and energy. Packing and moving and unpacking. Add kids to the mix and all their stuff and...sigh. Hopefully you'll be able to get back to reading and writing very soon. ((hugs))
Hi FV - But Z can totally pull off a dress! ;) I can see why your girls prefer him in dresses. LOL
ReplyDeleteYou should be getting plot bunnies from the kidlet..
ReplyDeleteShe comes up with the coolest things..
Oh yeah, she's great for plot bunnies! LOL In this case, I'll admit I had another of those 'OMIG, has she been reading my manuscript again' moments because she put a tutu/skirt on the Prince. The heroes in my current work in process are into role playing, and while neither wear skirts, one of them does dabble in cross dressing for some of their games ;)