Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rainbow Awards

I have squee-worthy news today! Bound by Deception has made it to the third phase of the Rainbow Awards in the historical fiction category! It will now go on to be read by the jury. I'm beyond pleased the book made it this far, and so very proud of Oliver and Vincent! :D

The Rainbow Awards is the brain child of Elisa Rolle. She has a fabulous live journal, so if you aren't already a visitor and are interested in checking it out, here's the link - Elisa - My Reviews and Ramblings Elisa's a wonderful supporter of gay fiction and of the GBLT community, and the absolute sweetest person.

Thanks to everyone who voted for the book in phase 1&2. It even picked up a honorable mention in the historical fiction category of the popularity contest (phases 1&2 of the contest).


  1. So proud of you and the boys! Very well deserved honor, hon, congratulations!! *kiss*

  2. Congrats Ava... very well deserved...

    Enjoy the weekend...


  3. Congratulations Ava! I'm going to have to dig this one out of the TBR. :)

  4. YAY!! Congrats, Ava!! I loved Oliver and Vincent :)

  5. Thanks for the congrats, Devon, EH, Kathy and Barbara! Hope you all are having a great Halloween!!

  6. *gives high five to Oliver and Vincent*
    Yay, AVA!!!! That is the best news I've had all week! Bound by Deception is one of my all time favorite books. It's about time it got the recognition it deserves!
    Congrats my friend! You deserve it!

